Warung Bebas

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Table Tonic's past couple days in review...

In order of occurrence, these are the highlights (yes, exciting times!) of the past few days in Table-Tonic-dom:
1. Palm Fun-day: You will almost always find Mr Tonic in the garden on the weekend, and Saturday was no exception. I was feeling freshly inspired by Lisa Madigan's home (below), as featured in the April issue of Home Beautiful (and April Real Living!)...

So you can imagine my squeals of delight when Mr Tonic found this (below) on the front lawn... Note: Mini Tonic included for size reference only - Admittedly, she is little, but this thing is huuuge! I'm calling it "Nature's own Juju Hat". Artists (Lisa is an artist) and florists, in my opinion, have the most beautifully decorated homes. Always very earthy and natural...

Just one of the many perks of having beautiful Palm trees in the garden. I'm thinking it's going to live above the sofa (below) on one of the few walls in the house. Until Mr Tonic buys his Vintage Balsa wood Malibu, that is...

2. Kids & 'cuts: Still on the subject of Anoushka-Tonic, I took her for a haircut on Sunday. This expression? Priceless.

3. Stipe-a-riffic! Wearing my brand spankers new Bassike Stripe Tank Dress today (click here to buy it). It's a little Brrr, hence the (Witchery) woolly jumper and Siren Republic boots... PS It's really long (mid calf), so I've tied a knot in the hem - one of my all time favourite fash-hacks.

4. I had to pull over mid-drive-to-kindy yesterday to take a picture of the storm rolling in - The sun was lighting up the greenery in the foreground, with a very dramatic, dark grey sky as a backdrop. It was quite beautiful.

5. My Kitchen Rules: "Thou shalt always have a a box of Heinz Chopped (Frozen) Spinach in the freezer". Would you believe me if I told you my kids asked for "Green Soup" for dinner all the time? True story. Here's my "quick, easy, healthy, yummy green soup" recipe: Sweat a chopped onion and some garlic. Throw in a handful of chopped pancetta and toss around for 5 mins. Add 3-4 cups of chicken stock and Heinz Frozen Spinach. Stir until spinach is defrosted and bring to the boil. Add salt, pepper to taste, plus a tablespoon of sugar. Throw in your choice of additional greens - peas are always great, and I used leftover cabbage last night too. Cook for another 2 minutes, then puree and add a good dollop of light cream. Serve with crusty bread. And lots of butter!

6. Well I thought I signed up for updates a while back, but alas - The debut issue of Est Mag ("Global Style with an Aussie Twist") is upon us! Click to read.

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