Warung Bebas

Sunday, May 27, 2012

12 bookmark-worthy sites I (only) discovered last week!

pip shining 

pip shining art/lifestyle
feathers and cupcakes decor/misc 
box and brownie misc
a flair for vintage decor decor
interior canvas decor
mint style studio style/decor
haus of hinton jewellery
life in style decor/lifestyle
hip lip blog lifestyle 
colour and tension art/creativity 
leif shop misc 
mamma tuppy fashion/misc (Surely I already knew about this one? Surely?)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

TT Spotlight: The Shearing Shed St Albans

Some very dear friends of my parents have just just JUST opened a gorgeous B&B, so next time you visit Orange, consider the accommodation box officially ticked! The Shearing Shed at St Albans is a new and beautifully renovated shearing shed, which has been tastefully converted into self contained accommodation. It has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (both ensuites) and is a mere 10 minutes from the heart of Orange. "A superb setting with magnificent country views." And don't get me started on (owners) Debbie and Wally - they are the loveliest human beings you are ever likely to meet. Sweartogod.

St Albans is located at 794 Icely Road, Orange NSW 2800. 
Phone (02) 636 31316. For more info, visit  

Monday, May 21, 2012

New Books + Bedlinen: Shannon Fricke is on fire!

Interior Stylist (and decorating workshop Goddess) extraordinaire Shannon Fricke has just launched her bedlinen collection! Inspired by the coast and the countryside surrounding her home in the Byron Bay Hinterland, the collection is designed to be "free-range" (that's mix and match to you and me). Prices range from $40 - $270 and you can get yours from shannonfricke.com/bedlinen

(above left) Spun Lace Quilt Cover ($100)
(above right) Flowers in the Filed Quilt Cover ($180)
(below) Ask me Again Pillowcase ($40)

Oh, and look out for Shannon's beautiful new book How to Decorate, 39.95 (click to buy), also on sale now. Clearly Shannon has been a very busy bee!

"How to Decorate is a gorgeous, practical, down-to-earth guide to decorating your home from start to finish – with love, attention and style. Layer by creative layer, stylist, decorator and homewares designer Shannon Fricke takes us through her decorating workshop in a book, explaining how to find your own story, create a decorating concept perfectly suited to you and your space, and implement that concept to turn your house into your dream home..." - Shannonfricke.com

PS Don't forget there is currently 25% off everything at tabletonic.com.au

Moroccan Leather Pouffes: $199  now $149.25
Ikat Cushions: $79  now $59.25
Mexican Suzanis: $449  now $336.75 
Large Juju Hats: $650  now $487.50
Baby Juju Hats: $399  now $299.25
Mini Juju Hats: $239  now $179.25

Sunday, May 20, 2012

25% off storewide at Table Tonic!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Table Tonic Spotlight: The I Quit Sugar Cookbook is here!

Heard of Sarah Wilson? You might have - She's worn a few career hats in her time, including Editor of Cosmopolitan magazine (yes, we worked together), host of Masterchef, "Wellness Blogger" extraordinaire and more recently, quitting-sugar-ebook-guru! On Tuesday 10th April 2012, I purchased Sarah's I Quit Sugar ebook online for $15 (you are emailed a file that you then print out) in a post-Easter chocolate-coma. And it has changed the way I look at sugar (fructose/glucose, call it what you will) COMPLETELY. Second only to the chemical maze that is processed foods, Sugar is about the worst thing we can eat (and feed our children). Sugar doesn't tell our bodies when they've had enough. Quite the opposite. It makes us want more more MORE! Well. Sarah is back with another stroke of e-publishing genius with her latest offering, The I Quit Sugar Cookbook ($19). And it. Is. Beautiful.

"The I Quit Sugar Cookbook is the follow-up to I Quit Sugar: a Sweet 8-Week Program, which you can buy here. It doesn’t muck about: it features more than 108 desserts, cakes, snacks, kids’ treats and detox meals, plus a bunch of other tricks and tips and links. It will help you shop for ingredients, convert quantities and get extra detox and background information…in a click!" - Sarah Wilson

(above and below) The inside of the book looks super smashing. Hats off to the IQS team!

All images via I Quit Sugar Cookbook, shot by Marija Ivkovic.

Click to buy the I Quit Sugar Cookbook.
Click to buy I Quit Sugar: a Sweet 8-Week Program.
Click to visit Sarah Wilson's blog.

PS Sarah already shared the recipe for Bacon & Egg Cupcakes on her blog. Yum! Happy cooking, happy health and happy weekend Tonic-ettes!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Feel the LOVE: It's Spend n' Save time!

If you're thinking of cozy-ing up your pad for winter, now is the time Tonic-ettes! Table Tonic is ON SALE! Click to shop!

Buy one Moroccan Pouffe and save $40! Ikat cushions are reduced by $10 each when you purchase 2 or more! And get $60 off Juju Hats, Mexican Suzanis, Wedding Blankets...

And in case you missed the REALLY big news, the Table Tonic retail store is getting primped and primed and ready to open it's doors in a few weeks! Find it at Shop 6, 20 Avalon Parade, Avalon NSW 2107 (right near the Mark Tuckey shop). The Walls are painted, the pouffes are filled... Not long to go! Eeeek!

Click to shop tabletonic.com.au. Orders are dispatched with 24 hours of payment clearing and YES! We ship internationally!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Modern Wisdom

Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's all about Maryam Montague... And Lonny!

Happy Lonny Day Tonic-ettes - The May 2012 issue just just just went live!

(above) I was so excited to see Morocco-phile Maryam Montague on the cover. Maryam lives in Morocco and has an incredible Morocco-centric blog which was literally one of the first I ever bookmarked. She's like, totally my hero. Her stunning new book Marrakesh by Design was recently released, and if dreamy Moroccan interiors are your bag? Buy. It. Now!

But imagine me falling of my replica Eames chair when lovely blog reader Carolyn left a comment telling me the Table Tonic online store was featured in it! Well. I bought it faster than you could say Morrocanweddingblanket!

(above and below) Chapter 10 is titled "Finding Decor and Expertise" and lists Maryam's cream-of-the-Moroccan crop of Home goods, Specialists and Suppliers around the world. And OMFG. There it is:

I know I'll have a happy weekend - I hope you all do too! PS A big Happy Mother's Day to all the Mummy-Tonic-ettes for Sunday! x

Matchbook May 2012: It's a Serena & Lily-fest!

We need to talk. It's about the new issue of Matchbook. In particular, this one feature. Heard of Serena & Lily? It's a truly gorgeous "lifestyle brand", founded by textile designer Serena Dugan and entrepreneur Lily Kanter in 2003. The girls just released a new summer collection and when Team Matchbook paid them a visit, this was the resulting magic... And somebody buy me a vowel, because O-M-G.

(above) Loving this sick. It sums up where I "am" decor-wise right now. Well-worn, beachy-bohemian decor with a side of tribal gets me every time.

(above) Gold/brass accents? Always. Magenta pink and inky blue? Ditto.

(above) Graphic designs. And Serena & Lily. Love them all. 

(above) That's one helluva fashionable bookshelf...

(above) And the decor-mantra for the day? "I juxtapose therefore I am." Serena & Lily "Bistro Chairs"

(above) *sigh*

The May 2012 issue of Matchbook Magazine (with Serena & Lily on the cover) is online now!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

13 bookmark-worthy sites I (only) discovered last week

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Modern Wisdom

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Table Tonic in the press: Sunday magazine

Incase you missed it, this is the gorgeous Mother's Day feature in today's Sunday magazine, styled by Kirsten Bookallil and photographed by Dieu Tan (what a team!).

(above) Yay! A Table Tonic Moroccan Leather Pouffe in bright  yellow, $199. CLICK TO BUY

Mother's Day is next Sunday, 13th May. Oh, and PS ALL Table Tonic Juju Hats (all colours and sizes) are now in stock! Click to shop!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy Ivy & Piper day! Click to read!

As many online decor mags as there are right now, sometimes it still doesn't feel like enough. I positively crave the new issues of all of them so today is a satisfying day indeed - The May/June issue of Ivy & Piper mag is live!

Click here to read the issue online - and look out for a Table Tonic Baby Juju Hat in red ($399), one of Seattle-based Interior Designer Maggie Morgan's "insider edits"! Thanks Maggie!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New beginnings x 2

I mentioned my Sister-in-Law was in labour on Monday morning, and by midday my brand new nephew Joseph William Friedland was born! As someone who has been a Friedland their whole life, I found it extra exciting to have another Friedland enter the world. We had our first cuddle on Monday night (followed by a celebratory pig-out at Sea Treasure!) and we are all a whole lot in love...

Oh, and PS still on new beginings, a huge thank you to Kelly over at I Love Pretty Things - check out the gorgeous blog post she did yesterday!


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