Warung Bebas

Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's all about Maryam Montague... And Lonny!

Happy Lonny Day Tonic-ettes - The May 2012 issue just just just went live!

(above) I was so excited to see Morocco-phile Maryam Montague on the cover. Maryam lives in Morocco and has an incredible Morocco-centric blog which was literally one of the first I ever bookmarked. She's like, totally my hero. Her stunning new book Marrakesh by Design was recently released, and if dreamy Moroccan interiors are your bag? Buy. It. Now!

But imagine me falling of my replica Eames chair when lovely blog reader Carolyn left a comment telling me the Table Tonic online store was featured in it! Well. I bought it faster than you could say Morrocanweddingblanket!

(above and below) Chapter 10 is titled "Finding Decor and Expertise" and lists Maryam's cream-of-the-Moroccan crop of Home goods, Specialists and Suppliers around the world. And OMFG. There it is:

I know I'll have a happy weekend - I hope you all do too! PS A big Happy Mother's Day to all the Mummy-Tonic-ettes for Sunday! x

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