Warung Bebas

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Support Anti-Poverty week (16 - 22 October 2011)

Did you know it's Anti-Poverty Week this week (16th October to 22nd October 2011)? Anti-Poverty Week is centred on strengthening public understanding about the causes and consequences of poverty and encouraging discussion to address these problems. 

There's this group called Good Return - what they do is basically connect you to individuals who need loans to lift themselves out of poverty. It's an innovative and new way of giving. And making a loan is just that - Good Return has a 100% repayment rate and you can decide whether to continue making loans, make it a donation or have the loan returned to you once repaid. You don’t even have to donate your money to help people, just lend it and you can get your money back when the loan is repaid. Lending $1 turns into $6 if you keep relending your initial loan - you can help 14 women who need microloans to lift themselves out of poverty. In fact, Good Return provides more than a loan by delivering the borrowers with financial literacy classes, small business management, debt management and many other skills they need to maximise their success. Helping one woman actually benefits five people.

To date:
1215 women have received loans-it changes lives.
100% repayment rate (it really works).
6075 individuals have benefitted (it multiplies).
2600 individuals have received training (it's sustainable).
$1 lent, turns into $6 (it’s effective). 

Help to spread the word!
1. Check out the Good Return Blog for more posts & updates.
2. Got a Facebook page? Post videos and testimonials from the Good Return website. Those who receive loans can best tell how effective giving has impacted their lives. Support the Anti-Poverty Week Facebook campaign. Visit their page at Facebook.com/goodreturnorg and share posts.
3. Use the Anti-Poverty Week Twitter hashtag: #antipovertyweek. Good Return will be presenting their own thoughts on the issue, including writing statuses on Good Return’s effective giving. Follow them at Twitter.com/goodreturnorg and re-tweet their tweets.

Good Return has a target during anti-poverty week of 75 loans during Anti-Poverty Week and you can play an important part in spreading the word to help Good Return hit the target. Got 60 seconds? Here's some motivation:

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