WOW. This is a major must-watch. "Food Matters is an 80-minute long fast-paced re-education (documentary) for the layman on the basics of good health, which incidentally is the only way to prevent disease from occurring in the first place. The film presents powerful evidence in support of ancient wisdom that regards food as medicine, and offers practical solutions to the current health crisis". Super simple to understand. Just start watching it. You won't be able to turn away. Watch Food Matters here. PS The producers of this powerful film are allowing a full and free preview through October 8th! Please tell everyone you know to watch this film in its entirety through October 8th, 2011. (You can support the film by purchasing a copy for only $10).
(above) Food Matters, producers James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch
As summarized on the Food Matters' website, by watching this film you will get answers to the following questions, and straight facts on: How you can use food as medicine, Who needs vitamins? Is organic really better? How safe is your food? Foods that fight anxiety and depression, Natural therapies for cancer, Which drugs might do more harm than good? The best ways to detox, lose weight and keep it off!
Food Matters really delivers a well-rounded view of the elements required for health, starting with the food supply itself, and the devastating effects modern food manufacturing has had on the quality of our food. Soil depletion is a direct result of modern agricultural practices, and has led to crops containing fewer nutrients. The answer, of course, lies in reverting back to organic and sustainable agriculture. The largest study conducted into organic food confirmed that the idea that organically grown foods are healthier for you is not wishful fantasy. It's a fact. That four-year long study discovered that: Organic fruit and vegetables contain up to 40 percent more antioxidants. Organic produce had higher levels of beneficial minerals like iron and zinc. Milk from organic herds contained up to 90 percent more antioxidants.
Watch Food Matters here. And tell me what you thought!
Watch Food Matters here. And tell me what you thought!