One of my faaaavourite blogs (and bonus points for being Australian!) is Peep My Style, and I had the pleasure of meeting it's author last week. Thank you Claudia for blogging about your Table Tonic shop visit - and taking such cool photos (click here for the full post!)!
Unofficial "Shop Mascot" Audrey strikes a pose.
PS The Table Tonic shop will be closed this Thursday, Friday and Saturday (as well as Sunday and Monday as per usual). We're off for our annual pilgrimage to the Blue Mountains (yeee-harrr!). We're taking both kids this time (heaven help us - they're "on fire" at the moment?!?). And lots of red wine. And I am positively giddy at the thought of Leura Garage (OMG that strawberry, Nutella & Ricotta Calzone) and the Red Door Cafe (hello pesto mushrooms on polenta for breakfast!). Detox will resume on departure. Maybe.
PS Don't forget, you can always shop Table Tonic online! Regular TT shop opening hours will resume next week: Tues-Sat, 10am-4pm. See you soon Tonic-ettes!