I think I just found Anoushka's next bedroom....
Isn't it fun? It's by Andrika King Design - Click here to see the rest of the room. Oh, and you must visit Andrika's beautiful blog - you may have heard of it - Nursery Notations. PS In case you were wondering, this is what Noushie's room looks like now. It's a natural progression... Don't you think? PPS Loving the Raspberry Juju Hat!!! PPPS Big thanks to Table Tonic reader Juli, who emailed me to say: "Hi Louise, Love your blog and go to it nearly every day! Saw this picture of the Juju Hat used in a nursery from the blog Nursery Notations. Thought you'd like it, if you haven't seen it already. Regards, Juli". You were right, Juli - I adore it!