Warung Bebas

Sunday, July 31, 2011

"Excitotoxins - The deadly chemicals we eat and drink"

Chapter Six in Elaine Hollingsworth's book Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry (buy it here) covers "Excitotoxins - Deadly chemicals your government is happy for you to eat and drink". Here is an overview from Elaine...

Artificial sweeteners in "diet" drinks and food turn to Formaldehyde in your body and cause 92 life-threatening diseases.

"Beware of Excitotoxins! They kill - sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, and ingested long-term, they will shorten even the strongest person's life. Excitotoxins are chemicals that stimulate the neurons in the brain to excessive firing, which then totally fatigues them, leading to serious diseases. The major, widely-used, excitotoxins are: MSG, HVP
(Hydrolyzed vegetable protein), Aspartame and all other artificial sweeteners.

MSG: Most adults already know about the dangers of this additive, and the "Chinese restaurant syndrome", but few are aware that most manufactured food contains it, in disguised form. For example, the US government permits manufacturers to omit this unpopular additive from their labels unless the product contains 100% MSG! The Australian Government permits all the excitotoxins to be disguised as "natural flavourings", and many other euphemisms which sound benign, but are deadly for susceptible persons. All English-speaking countries are the same and for the same reason: Governments value multinational profits above the health of the people who elect them. THey protect manufacturers at our expense. So watch out!

HVP: (Hydrolyzed vegetable protein). Our warm and wonderful food processors have known for decades that this neurotoxin is incredibly dangerous, yet have added it to baby food for many years.

According to prestigious American neurosurgeon, Russell Blaylock, this nervous system poison causes developmental brain defects that produce behavioural problems and learning difficulties in children, and can contribute to violent behaviour later in life. Governments have been warned about this for years, yet continue their cozy relationship with the poisoners. HVP is made from junk vegetables which are boiled in acid, then neutralised with caustic soda. The end product is a brown sludge that is high in three excitotoxins -- cystolic acid, glutamate and aspartate. Thanks to the FDA, the TGA and other so-called food watch-dogs, it is in most processed foods, and is rarely on labels. EAT IT AT YOUR RISK!

ASPARTAME: The chemical aspartame (marketed as NutraSweet™ and Equal™, among other names) is in most diet foods, and is known as an "excitotoxin", a substance added to foods that literally stimulates neurons to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees. The best way to understand NutraSweet™ is to think of it as a minute nerve gas that eradicates brain and nerve function.

Depending upon susceptibility, these toxins can cause, contribute to, or aggravate 92 different diseases! Airline pilots in the US have been instructed never to eat or drink anything containing NutraSweet, as it can cause seizures, with catastrophic results. Ironically, artificial sweeteners are not even a help for dieters: it has been amply documented that aspartame turns to formaldehyde in the body and stores in fat cells, particularly on the hips and thighs, and is extremely hard to dislodge. Not a pretty picture.

In fact I feel so strongly about the need for every person to know about this information that I am making the whole chapter from my book available for you to read in full, save and print for the benefit of everyone you know". Click here to download (PDF file).

Read more about Excitotoxins in Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry. I owe it to you to share what I've learned from this unbelievably eye opening book (an absolute must-read). You owe it to yourself to be healthy. The book costs just $30. Postage anywhere in Australia is $9 (worldwide shipping available). You can buy it here.

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