Warung Bebas

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Table Tonic's week(end) in review...

It was an extraordinarily wet weekend here in Sydney, I don't think it stopped pouring for even a minute. Chuck 2 kids and a renovating husband in the mix and what have you got? Furniture rearranging, that's what. The daybed has gone from one end of the dining room to the other (a lovely sunny spot under the bi-fold windows), and we shuffled the dining table down into the (very glassy) corner. The long cream buffet cabinet is now in the living room and we chucked one of the Berber rugs into the "blue chair zone" in between the living and dining room, which it has made it a really lovely space to hang. "It's changed the entire Feng Shui of the house", as Mr Tonic so correctly pointed out!

(above) Taken from the kitchen.
(below) Taken from the Living Room.

Did I mention I was in the market for a new perfume? I've been "scraping the bottom of the perfume barrel" for a good few months now, using some old and less than stellar bottles of "fragrance", and prompting Mr Tonic to make all kinds of less than flattering remarks. And I would have minded, only I was too busy agreeing with him! Enter MOR Marshmallow EDP (below). It's perfect. "Musky" and "hippy-ish" are the technical terms I would use to describe it...

(below) Mr Tonic bought some us some new toilet cisterns (he's such a romantic like that) and Anoushka Tonic gave them a test run, shortly after which, Jasper Tonic christened one of them. Bless. But yah, everything in this house either leaks, smells or needs tightening, loosening, sharpening, sanding, scraping or just removing altogether. But hey, it's only been 3 months - and we're getting there!

(below) The clam shell filled with Amethyst crystal clusters, all of which was purchased on eBay - and all of which was heavily inspired by Judy of Atlantis Home's amazing interior decor.

(below) Our cabinet of curiosities... PS 90% of what you see was is from eBay.

Took this photo for Belinda this morning. Belinda is going to be redoing her bathroom soon, and this? Yup, this is her reference - interior designer Krista Ewart's bathroom, as featured in the Domino: The Book of Decorating. Isn't it FAB? PS And yes, Belinda does have a (very obliging)! husband!!

Woohoo! Splashed some paint around in Anoushka's room (finally!), and ended up painting more than I initially thought?! I just couldn't resist sharing it - Sweet Sixteen, just FYI which nobody guessed!! More to come. PS It was all a bit much for one little fairy, who lay there and watched me paint the entire wall before crashing out.

And that's it! Another one bites the dust... I hope you all had wonderful, relaxing and/or memorable weekends, wherever you were! x

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