I recently had the (pee-my-pants-exciting!) opportunity to quizz "Juicemaster" Jason Vale (aka "the Jamie Oliver of the health & juicing world") on his top tips for making fresh, funky juice. Jason recently launched the brilliant new Phillips Quick Clean juicer (which I told you all about last week) in Sydney (that's him at the launch below) and I am so happy to be able to share his juicing-genius with you all!
Table Tonic: I was amazed to learn in your new book, The Funky Fresh Juice Book, that the pith of citrus fruits is best left on for "maximum nutrition". Why is this? Jason Vale: Most people, when making orange juice, tend to cut an orange in half and use a citrus press. When you do this you lose many of the nutrients as you are not juicing the 'whole' orange. Orange juice is a great source for vitamin C, but the benefit of oranges also provides an excellent source of vitamin A, B vitamins, calcium, folate and potassium. Because oranges are also rich in a type of flavanone, known as herperidin, they are also helpful in bringing high blood pressure levels down, lowering cholesterol, and reducing risks of heart disease. The highest concentration of herperidin is found in the white pulp of the orange, which is one of the reasons you should peel the orange before juicing but leave the white pith on. Using this method also means it is thicker and more of a meal than a juice. The other reason is that you just get more juice, about 10 per cent more, when you juice the whole orange in the Philips Quick Clean juicer.
TT: What is the best speed to juice greens on? 1 or 2? Slow or fast? JV: When juicing green leafy vegetables, always pack them in the feeding tube tight and make sure to keep the juicer on 'off'. Then put it on slow speed to get maximum juice from your produce.
TT: I've read that it can be beneficial to mix at least a third water/coconut water into juices? Is this something you do? JV: There is nothing wrong with doing this as coconut water is one of the best natural 'juices' on earth. I tend to drink coconut water straight or mix with some soft fruit in a blender to make a quick smoothie.
TT: If you were to create a Table Tonic "tonic", what would be in it? JV: A freshly extracted juice combo of apples, spinach, ginger, mint, cucumber, zucchini, raw beet and broccoli. Ginger is nature's Dr Juice and the more you can handle the better!
There you have it. A tailor-made Table Tonic "tonic" designed by the man himself! I'll be trying it ASAP! Jason's fab new book, The Funky Fresh Juice Book contains over 100 "funky 'n' fresh" juice and smoothie recipes. Pre-order your copy here. But for now, here's a taste of what you can expect:
TT: If you were to create a Table Tonic "tonic", what would be in it? JV: A freshly extracted juice combo of apples, spinach, ginger, mint, cucumber, zucchini, raw beet and broccoli. Ginger is nature's Dr Juice and the more you can handle the better!
There you have it. A tailor-made Table Tonic "tonic" designed by the man himself! I'll be trying it ASAP! Jason's fab new book, The Funky Fresh Juice Book contains over 100 "funky 'n' fresh" juice and smoothie recipes. Pre-order your copy here. But for now, here's a taste of what you can expect: