Back in May, I did a "Day in the Life" post (nothing new there), featuring a shot of my handbag contents, including an intriguing little creature, otherwise known as a Tampurse (a discreet and glamorous little case for storing tampons in your handbag). I know. A piece of $24.95-mock-croc-covered genius, right?
Well. The nice people at Tampurse were so chuffed with all of your Tampurse buying following the post, that they decided to throw 3 Tampurse "sets" my way to give away to you guys - each set contains 1 x Vintage Glamour tampurse ($24.95) and 1 x Starlet tampurse ($19.95)!
HOW TO ENTER: Simply become a fan of the Tampurse Facebook page and write “I love Table Tonic” on their wall. A winner will be chosen at random and announced right here on the Table Tonic blog on Friday 9th December 2011.
But wait, there's more! Tampurse are currently offering Table Tonic blog readers 25% off their Tampurse purchase if they enter the coupon code Table Tonic (2 words) at checkout until 24th December! Click to shop!
Oh, and just quietly, IT'S ONE MONTH 'TIL CHRISTMAS! Yes, people, it's officially panic 'o clock! And I don't need to tell you where to shop, do I...?