A very interesting article entitled: "No place like home for extreme makeovers" was published in today's Sydney Morning Herald, and brought to my attention by the lovely The Sydney Magazine Tweeters. It's a very insightful read, and begins: "Walk into any open inspection on Saturday and there is a good chance it has been styled. You can tell by the new white lounge, walls in muted tones, glass-topped coffee table, and bright cushions co-ordinated to match the mass-produced art (no personal photos, please). Then go to another house. Same coffee table. Same muted tones. If you're lucky you might even score the same art. All stylishly presented, comfortable and inviting. The Stepford homes. Perfect, but lifeless. So much for a stickybeak on the neighbours' life. They aren't there. They took their real stuff and put it all in storage a few days before the professionals arrived with a truckload of designer gear from the last home the agent sold". See! told you it was good... Click here to continue reading the full article.
Well, I can confidently say this was not the case with our house - as evidenced by these, the original photos from the real estate campaign:
(above) The Living Room. At least it's big!
(above) Looking back through the dining room to the living room.
(above) The... other living room, currently our dining room.
(above) The kitchen (which I now understand why they didn't show more of!).
(above) The dining room - This is the area we have the blue chairs in now.
(above) The pink(!) patio. Note the spectacular floor.
Admittedly, our house is on a very large block, 1395 square metres to be exact, but would you believe me if I told you the real estate agents were describing it as "land value only, folks, great opportunity to redevelop" on he day of the inspection?! Grrrr. Yes, Tonic-ettes. It might be rough, but it's a bloody diamond!